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luxury wedding photographer

luxury wedding photographer

Wedding Venues

Having captured weddings at many exclusive International and Italian venues, I've curated a list of the finest, most personalized event spaces—complete with expert insights to help you plan your dream destination wedding.

luxury wedding photographer

A Blog for wedding creatives

Change Makers

Let people outshine you. Even better, enable them. Because then, you can observe and improve yourself. Let’s forgo the pleasure of complaining how stupid/ uncultivated/ unprofessional everybody else is. Whether this be true or not, aside from the temporary gratification of feeling the smartest person in the room, the reality is this: Being the “smartest […]

I believe responsibility starts with taking care of ourselves. In a nutshell: “taking care of ourselves today, in a way that will allow us to take care for ourselves in the future too.”(Such as, if I were to betray my friends today, it ‘d be left lonely tomorrow.) Yet, it’s not about consequences. It’s about […]

The Prevailing Wisdom is “Don’t fly too high.” Only now, in this new economy of meaning, do we realise that comfort is the real enemy.

I always advise photographers to get their hands on a film camera. Shoot in parallel with digital. If you are looking to start photographing film, here are some of my recommended cameras.

On one hand there are those clients who want you to do the standard. On the other side of the spectrum there are the clients who challenge you to do better work, are proud they hired you and they trust you enough to allow you the benefit to disagree with them. How do we get less of the first and more of the second?

We “take” a photograph. We “snap” it. We “shoot” it. Whatever the case, we seem to hunt for it, because, all of the above are nothing but hunting terms.

If you have been considering re-designing your new website then this post is just for you! I’d want to walk you through everything that went through my mind when creating my new website, in the hopes that it will be useful to you on your own path.

I strongly believe in generosity as the cornerstone of being of service. Generosity is one of those transactions that can be easily misunderstood. Generosity is not offering things cheaper. This is not the kind of generosity I am talking about. Generosity is a the act of giving a finite resource you possess to someone else without expecting anything in return. With no agenda, except to delight and offer a better alternative.

Comfortable is not the same as “safe”. Because someone more hungry, and more visionary, will sooner or later show up. Jeff Koons, whose exhibition was in Florence at the same time we were, reinvents himself every few years. (Sure, his balloon animals remain his trademark, but they simply fund his constant transformations).

Nothing makes me happier than reading a great book – unless it’s the chance to talk to other people who’ve loved that book as well. Here is my list of my 2021’s favorite reads.

Taking the lead from the wonderful vendors who were also involved in a dream France wedding that had to be cancelled due to Covid, I crafted and sent this letter to the lovely couple, and with their permission I am sharing it here with everyone who had to go through a similar difficult decision.

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