There is no warmest memory that i have in my life, nothing warmer or fonder, than waking up in the morning before everyone else, having a generous piece of chocolate cake, and sitting alone in our living-room with a book. It was total heaven.

Nothing makes me happier than reading a great book – unless it’s the chance to talk to other people who’ve loved that book as well. So if you find yourself reading any of my 2019’s favorites, I would love to hear your thoughts about it! Here is my list, in no particular order.
Michelle Obama
Though I am not a fan of memoirs, I absolutely loved this deeply personal and mesmerizing chronicle, and the deeply sincere account of all the experiences that have shaped her. Definitely one my favorite 10 books because it has so much to teach about race, success, and personal fulfilment.

Invisible Cities
Italo Calvino
“Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful, and everything conceals something else.” — from Invisible Cities
Young Marco Polo unspools his tales from the amazing places he has visited in the Mongol empire, only to be revealed that he has been describing the many facets of his own hometown, magical Venice. A transcendental book about one of my favorite places in the world! It balances so finely between poetry and prose! I can really say that if I ever found myself alone on a deserted island, this is the book I would wish to have with me!
All Quiet on the Western Front
Erich Maria Remarque
The greatest war novel of all time accompanied me in my travels to Italy this year. This book is the account of a German soldier in the First World War. It is filled with graphic details but also sensitivity and humanity. This book serves as a lesson that war has devastating effects on people, regardless of which side they belong to.

The Luminous Portrait
Elisabeth Messina
I read this in one go, en route to Mykonos. Graceful and unpretentious, this book distills the creative process of one of the greatest film photographers of our time, the artist who inspired hundreds (if not thousands) of photographers to fall in love with film photography.
Robert B. Cialdini
Fantastic book about the techniques and strategies on persuasion. If you are not reading this in order to improve your own persuasion skills, it is worth reading just in order to remind yourself of the power of systematic persuasion.
Martin Lindstorm
I am a huge fan of Lindstorm (I have every book he wrote)! This book is a fascinating (and somewhat shocking journey) exploring questions such as how multi-sensory branding works, and discusses various (occasionally nefarious) attempts practiced by marketers.
This is Marketing
Seth Godin
I am a huge fan of Seth’s. I listen to his podcasts so often (I highly recommend his “Akimbo” podcast), that I somehow feel I can call him by his first name. A very honest and accessible book, pacy, jargon-free and so useful! If you want to explore more on how, and why, we buy things or change our habits in any way, this book has it all!
The Icarus Deception
Seth Godin
One more by Seth. This is an inspiring book that challenges its readers to treat their work as a form of art. A book that reminds us to dare to choose something unpredictable and brave: to make art.
Start With Why
Simon Sinek
If you ever wondered how you can become more inventive and succeed more at it too, then the “why” you do things matters more than the “how” you do them. Absolutely amazing book!
Unconditional Parenting
Alfie Kohn
I do my best to learn more about the art of being a good father to my two children. Over the years I discovered that most good books on the subject can be somewhat academic; this one is welcome exemption! Unconditional Parenting is filled with wisdom, humour, and sincerity. The big question addressed in this book is how we can move away from a culture of rewards and punishments to understand what kids need – and how we can meet those needs. This book is all about raising children that are caring and responsible.

The Story of Art
Ernst Gobrich
Clear, accessible and engaging, filled with hundreds of full-colour painting photos! I have dozen of art books in my library but this one is my go-to art book when I need some inspiration and relaxation on a lazy afternoon. I have read this at least 3 times in both Greek and English, and I love it every time even more!