The wedding industry is brimming with potential—there’s so much room to grow, to elevate, and to lead. Here are a few mindset shifts that could transform how we work and what we stand for: 1. “Fake it till you make it” as a tool for courage, not pretence. This phrase isn’t a license to deceive. […]
By recognizing the theatrical nature of status in art, we may be better able to come to terms with the reality that life and marketing also operate in a similar way.
Exclusivity: The bravery to choose to speak to the sensibilities of only a few instead of all. We live in the world of niche. There is a magazine dedicated to water! A blog dedicated to growing succulents! A magazine on raising… emus! And one about miniature donkeys. Something exclusive is not exclusionary. It is razor-sharp […]
The answer has little to do with whether people are paying you for what you do. I think the most appreciable distinction between a true professional and an amateur is this:A professional is presenting a self (consistently and deliberately), while an amateur is revealing the self they feel like being in the moment. Imagine the […]
Originality sounds like a noble pursuit because all great thinkers appear to have been original. But is that true at all? If more of us acknowledged that originality is a flawed and over-glorified concept, the more we would feel safe to create. Our job, our mission, is to improve the familiar.