




Growth strategy part 3: Become someone that someone else admires

– Copy someone you admire.
– But won’t this make me inauthentic?

Before you can compose/draw/photograph a masterpiece, something that is beyond any previous memory, you have to first instil skill. Skill comes from grinding repetition and copying (or, better, imitation of) the masters until your brain forms new pathways.

Why can’t we accept that Life, being the greatest work of art of all, requires methodical practice too? That, for us in order to create a life that’s a masterpiece, we need to: Copy. Fail. Repeat.

Until we become someone that someone else admires. And so the circle goes.

Authenticity (“I will be who I am“) is the perfect place to hide.

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The AKG studio was created out of my fascination for blending modern techniques with the art d'excellence from a bygone era, creating a photography of timeless aesthetic and heritage. 

My photography is intimate and infused with a sense of purpose, stemming from a deep desire to advocate for diversity, empathy and empowerment.


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