
Light Shadow Thought

The wedding industry is brimming with potential—there’s so much room to grow, to elevate, and to lead. Here are a few mindset shifts that could transform how we work and what we stand for: 1. “Fake it till you make it” as a tool for courage, not pretence. This phrase isn’t a license to deceive. […]

In early 2024, I delivered a keynote at a photography workshop in Morocco, a talk that has become one of my favorites, especially in a time when the world needs more wisdom and less frivolity.

The essence of camp for the upcoming fashion photoshoot at villa Pizzo, reflecting on its aesthetics, embracing of theatrics and playful irony.

What we needed more (in weddings and everywhere else) is role models, not mentors. It’s not that there is no value to traditional mentorship, it’s just that there is more in role models.

This is not the beginning of a bad dad joke, but a story about Culture. Not the culture, but a culture, and specifically our micro-cuture as wedding photographers. There is a story (more of a thought experiment) about 5 monkeys, a ladder and a banana. And a very powerful waterhose. A monkey climbs up the […]

What is a wedding REALLY for? SPiritual awakenings from a wedding in Puglia

An interview with CanvasRevel on my perspective, anecdotes, and vision, including the pursuit of photography’s potential to make a positive impact on our communities.

By recognizing the theatrical nature of status in art, we may be better able to come to terms with the reality that life and marketing also operate in a similar way.

Time unhinged from its normal framework, and space constrained to one’s home, this is a period of creative ambivalence: the concept that negative space, as expressed by lack of human connection, and deprivation of creative resources – can, and will, lead to something positive.

Exclusivity: The bravery to choose to speak to the sensibilities of only a few instead of all. We live in the world of niche. There is a magazine dedicated to water! A blog dedicated to growing succulents! A magazine on raising… emus! And one about miniature donkeys. Something exclusive is not exclusionary. It is razor-sharp […]

In 1948 John Cage conceived a composition that consisted of nothing else but 4’ and 33” of silence, or more precisely, the absence of intended sounds, and only ambient sound.  Execution-wise, it could have been performed by untrained musicians. Innovation-wise, silence is hardly new. There is silence before every concert – all that Cage did […]

The answer has little to do with whether people are paying you for what you do. I think the most appreciable distinction between a true professional and an amateur is this:A professional is presenting a self (consistently and deliberately), while an amateur is revealing the self they feel like being in the moment. Imagine the […]

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